I read this article- http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/2011/11/2011112415501938290.html "Are Muslims allowed rights?" and found myself highly disturbed. I'll give you a moment to read it, or at least scan over it.
Go ahead... I'll wait-
I've happened to be rather close to a few VERY religious Muslim families over the years, I've been with them when the police have come to randomly question them. One of these families I had the husband begging me to "talk sense" into his wife to ask her not to wear the veil- because he felt it would make her a target. It was something they had been debating a while- and she was being harassed because of it.
She refused because she didn't want to turn her back on a tradition that meant something to her, because people were so narrow minded they'd automatically hate her because of what is so similar to just wearing a scarf over your face in winter.
I've seen how they're automatically judge, I've heard neighbors calling their CHILDREN terrorists.
To say every member of a religion will or won't do something is stupid. It's like saying no Catholic will go to the police. A religion is made up of individuals, what someone will or won't do, boils down to who they are as a person- not the version of God they follow.
Fact is, when a Muslim calls the police on something, it does open THEM up to be questioned. It makes THEM feel persecuted. Like when a store got held up- a family run business, the husbands and wives ended up questioned because the timing was around when they found a bomb in the city.
It would be like grabbing random Catholics asking if they were connected to an abortion clinic bombing because it was in the same state. These people lived over 100 miles away- UPSTATE!
If people are slow to call the cops, it's because of being harassed, however, no Muslim I know would put off calling the police if it would lead to someone being hurt or killed- even if they had to call the police on another Muslim.
It's happened.
And what bothered that person after, wasn't turining in "one of his own", because the other guy needed to be arrested, what bothered him was that it would validate the arresting officer's opinion that Muslims are scum of the earth, which WAS that arresting officer's opinion.
Muslims are people. Period, end of story- good, bad- just like anyone else. They are Americans. They have the same rights as we do. Period, end of story. To look at them, just because they call God, well God in another language- as being all evil, and conniving- that there's nothing wrong with treating them differently than other people, is a disturbing step in the wrong direction for this country... We've been here before with the Japanese. It starts this way for many other countries as well.
Personally I wish there was some sort of massive letter writing campaign, by non-Muslims, demanding equal rights and treatment... but the media is very good at spreading fear and terror, and even open-minded friends of mine have been wary of Muslims in very broad strokes.
And more than anything, I find this sad.
End rant-
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